
Understanding Financial Abuse: Breaking Free from Economic Control

Financial abuse is a form of domestic violence that often goes unrecognized and yet can have a significant impact on individuals’ lives. In this blog post, we delve into the topic of financial abuse, shedding light on its definition, exploring various examples, and highlighting a real-life scenario. By raising awareness, we hope to empower those affected to recognize the signs, seek help, and break free from this insidious cycle of control.

What is considered financial abuse?

Financial abuse, also called economic abuse, involves the misuse or control of financial resources by one person to exert power and control over another in a relationship. It is characterized by tactics that limit the victim’s financial independence and decision-making abilities. Here are some common forms of financial abuse:

Controlling Finances

The abuser takes complete control over the victim’s finances, denying them access to bank accounts, credit cards, or any financial information. They may closely monitor and restrict their spending, making them financially dependent.

Withholding Funds

The abuser intentionally withholds money from the victim, preventing them from meeting basic needs, such as food, shelter, and healthcare. They may refuse to contribute financially or provide an inadequate allowance, creating a power imbalance.

Coerced Debts and Exploitation

The abuser may coerce the victim into incurring debts or loans, making financial decisions without their consent. They might exploit the victim’s assets or steal their identity for personal financial gain.

What are examples of financial abuse? 

Financial abuse can manifest in various ways, leaving victims feeling trapped and vulnerable. Here are three examples that illustrate the depth of this issue:

Forced Economic Dependency

The abuser isolates the victim from work or educational opportunities, making it challenging for them to earn a living or become financially independent. They may also threaten or sabotage their employment, limiting their access to financial resources. This can take the form of the abuser calling up or communicating with the victim’s employer and they would make up excuses or stories to get the victim fired. 

Sabotaging Credit and Financial Stability

The abuser intentionally damages the victim’s credit by running up debts in their name, refusing to pay bills, or deliberately defaulting on joint financial obligations. This tactic not only destroys the victim’s financial stability but also affects their future prospects.

Economic Blackmail

Sometimes, in economic abuse, the abuser uses financial resources as a means of control by threatening to withdraw support or resources if the victim does not comply with their demands. This coercion perpetuates fear and maintains a cycle of dependence on the abuser. 

Identity Theft and Financial Exploitation

The abuser may steal the victim’s personal information, such as social security numbers or bank account details, and use it to gain unauthorized access to their financial resources. This theft can lead to significant financial losses and long-term consequences for the victim.

Forced Financial Isolation

The abuser isolates the victim from their social support network, making it difficult for them to seek help or access financial assistance. By limiting their access to friends, family, or community resources, the abuser further reinforces their control over the victim’s finances.

What is a real-life example of financial abuse?

Real-life instances of financial abuse help us understand the devastating impact it has on individuals’ lives. Consider the following scenario:

In a marriage, one partner, Jack*, controls all the finances, including joint accounts. He monitors his wife, Sarah’s*, spending meticulously, scrutinizing every transaction and demanding receipts to justify her purchases. Jack restricts Sarah’s access to money, giving her a meager allowance that barely covers basic necessities. He constantly reminds her of her financial dependence and threatens to cut off her access to funds if she questions his authority.

Furthermore, Jack manipulates Sarah into taking out loans and credit cards in her name, exploiting her trust and financial vulnerability. He accumulates debt under her name, leaving Sarah burdened with the financial consequences and a tarnished credit history. Jack uses this debt as a tool to further control Sarah, reminding her that she is indebted to him and must obey his every command.

Sarah’s options for seeking help are limited. Jack has successfully isolated her from her friends and family, ensuring she has no support system to turn to. She feels trapped and helpless, believing she has no way out of the toxic cycle of financial abuse.

This real-life example highlights the insidious nature of financial abuse. It is not merely about money; it is about power, control, and manipulation. Victims of financial abuse often suffer in silence, facing immense emotional and psychological trauma alongside the financial constraints imposed upon them.

This situation mostly also happens when there is an imbalance of power in the relationship. In another case, one partner can be the sole breadwinner. And because that partner may feel the most entitled to the money, he or she may limit the access of the other partner to money. 

Let’s look at another example. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about “passport bros” and these are usually men from developed countries. They are called such because they go to less developed countries to find women who are willing to get into a relationship with them. They promise them money and financial stability once they marry. Of course, having a chance at citizenship and a better or more stronger passport is another promise, hence the term. This isn’t really a mail-order bride situation as some of them really do find love and compatibility with some of these women. 

However, we have to acknowledge that there is a power imbalance here and the women from the less developed country may be desperate to get out of their financial situation, especially if this is their only reason to be in the relationship. On the surface, this may seem like a fair exchange – women get the financial stability and in other cases, even a chance at another citizenship. For the men, they get love and partnership. But what happens when conflicts arise? What happens when there is a feeling of boredom or jealousy in the relationship? Though these are normal challenges in any relationship, in a situation where there is a power imbalance due to money, the dynamics can be different and tricky. We can even see some examples that are popularized by TV shows such as 90 Day Fiancé. Though some relationships work out, some don’t and this power imbalance is a factor. 

What can you do if you’re experiencing financial abuse?

Financial abuse is a devastating form of control that can leave victims feeling trapped and powerless. 

By understanding the various forms of financial abuse and recognizing the signs, we can support those affected and help them break free from the cycle of control. The first step is really educating ourselves. You may check out websites such as this resource on financial abuse by, an organization that helps educate people about their financial options and empower them to make informed decisions. They also encourage women to be financially literate to avoid being in a situation where they can be financially abused. 

Of course, men can also be victims of financial abuse especially if their partners are the higher income earner. And there are also groups such as Respect in the UK that advises men regarding this situation too.

But the point is to identify it as early as possible as there are studies stating that financial abuse is also present or can lead to other forms of domestic abuse. In fact, 99% of women who were reported to be experiencing physical abuse also reported to be undergoing financial or economic abuse. 

It is essential to raise awareness, promote education, and provide resources for individuals to seek help and reclaim their financial independence. Together, we can create a society that stands against financial abuse and supports survivors on their journey toward healing and empowerment.

Exploring ENM Relationships: Is There Such Thing As Ethical Non-Monogamy?

Welcome to LoveVibes, where we provide insightful relationship advice to help couples navigate the complexities of love and the importance of intimacy. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of ethical non-monogamy (ENM) relationships. We’ll address common questions, clarify misconceptions, and shed light on the key differences between ENM, polyamory, and open relationships. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey and uncover the intricacies of ENM and its place in the modern dating landscape.

Is ENM the same as an open relationship?

While ENM and open relationships share similarities, they are not synonymous. ENM encompasses a broader spectrum of relationship styles, including open relationships, but also extends beyond them. Open relationships generally involve consensual non-monogamy, where partners engage in sexual relationships outside of their primary partnership. On the other hand, ENM focuses on consensual and ethical non-monogamy, which can encompass emotional connections, multiple partners, and varying relationship structures.

What does ENM mean on Tinder?

ENM on Tinder refers to individuals or couples who openly express their interest in ethical non-monogamy on their dating profiles. Tinder, a popular dating app, now allows users to select their relationship preferences, including ENM, signaling a growing acceptance and visibility of these relationship styles in mainstream dating platforms.

If you’ve stumbled across this in one of the profiles you encounter and you want to give this type of arrangement a try, then why not? It’s up to you but you must also educate yourself first about this (I guess reading this blog is a good way to get started!) and also be prepared for its implications and changes it will bring to your life.

The difference between ENM, Polyamory, and Open Relationships 

There are a lot of terms being thrown around such as poly, throuple, open… What do they all mean? Understanding the differences between ENM, polyamory, and open relationships is crucial. ENM is the overarching term that encompasses a wide range of consensual non-monogamous relationship styles. Polyamory refers specifically to having multiple emotional and loving relationships simultaneously, while open relationships often focus on sexual exploration and outside partnerships without necessarily seeking multiple emotional connections.

ENM vs. Polyamory 

ENM and polyamory are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. ENM refers to a relationship philosophy that allows for multiple partners while emphasizing ethical behavior and clear communication. Polyamory, on the other hand, specifically emphasizes having multiple emotional and loving relationships simultaneously. While all polyamorous relationships fall under the ENM umbrella, not all ENM relationships are polyamorous.

The Three-Person Relationship 

A three-person relationship is commonly referred to as a triad or throuple. In this relationship structure, three individuals form an emotional, romantic, and/or sexual connection with one another. Triads can take various forms, including all individuals being equally involved with each other or some individuals being more connected to one another than the others.

I suppose the only type of three-person relationship we don’t like is the one where there is an absence of knowledge or consent for one or two parties… cause that’s basically cheating, right?

How common are ENM relationships?

ENM relationships, while not as prevalent as traditional monogamous relationships, are becoming increasingly common. Recent studies indicate that a significant portion of the population engages in some form of consensual non-monogamy. The exact prevalence varies based on cultural factors, societal norms, and individual preferences, making it difficult to provide an exact figure. However, as society continues to evolve and challenge traditional relationship norms, ENM relationships are gaining recognition and acceptance.

What is considered cheating in ENM relationships?

Cheating within an ENM relationship occurs when one or more partners violate the agreed-upon boundaries and rules. These boundaries are set through open and honest communication and may include guidelines around sexual encounters, emotional connections, or time commitments. While the specifics of what constitutes cheating in an ENM relationship may vary between couples, the core principle remains the same: breaching the established boundaries without consent is considered cheating. Trust and communication are vital in ENM relationships, as partners rely on these foundations to maintain a healthy and ethical non-monogamous dynamic.

Understanding the ENM Lifestyle 

The ENM lifestyle encompasses the beliefs, values, and practices of individuals who choose to embrace ethical non-monogamy. It is a conscious decision to explore relationships beyond the confines of traditional monogamy, while prioritizing honesty, respect, and consent to prevent jealousy. ENM practitioners recognize that human beings have the capacity to form meaningful connections with multiple partners, and they actively navigate these relationships with integrity and open communication.

The ENM lifestyle encourages individuals to challenge societal norms and expectations regarding monogamy, promoting a more flexible and inclusive approach to love and relationships. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and personal growth as individuals navigate multiple partnerships.

ENM practitioners often engage in ongoing dialogue with their partners to establish clear boundaries, rules, and expectations. Effective communication, transparency, and emotional support are key pillars of the ENM lifestyle, ensuring that all parties involved feel secure and valued in their relationships.

Ethical non-monogamy (ENM) is a diverse and evolving relationship model that challenges traditional notions of monogamy. In this article, we’ve explored the distinctions between ENM, open relationships, and polyamory. We’ve also discussed the concept of ENM on dating platforms like Tinder, the prevalence of ENM relationships, the dynamics of three-person relationships, and the significance of trust and communication in ENM.

By embracing ethical non-monogamy, individuals can navigate relationships with honesty, respect, and consent, forging meaningful connections that align with their personal values and desires. As society continues to evolve, it’s essential to foster understanding and awareness about alternative relationship models like ENM, allowing individuals to make informed choices that lead to fulfilling and authentic connections.

Remember, LoveVibes is here to support and guide you through the complexities of love and relationships. Stay tuned for more insightful articles and relationship advice.

How to Successfully Navigate and Overcome Jealousy in Relationships

Welcome to Love Vibes, your go-to destination for relationship advice! In this blog post, we will explore the intricate issue of jealousy in relationships and provide you with practical strategies to effectively deal with it. Whether you’re experiencing jealousy yourself or want to support your partner in overcoming these emotions, we’ve got you covered. By understanding the underlying causes of jealousy and implementing healthy coping mechanisms, you can foster trust, open communication, and strengthen your bond with your loved one.

Unveiling the Nature of Jealousy 

Jealousy is a complex emotion that can arise in various relationship dynamics. To tackle jealousy head-on, it’s crucial to delve into its underlying causes and manifestations. Frame your understanding of jealousy and perceive it as a response to perceived threats to a relationship’s stability or a fear of inadequacy.

You must also recognize the different shades of jealousy. For instance, distinguishing between normal jealousy, stemming from possessiveness, and irrational jealousy, which may be fueled by insecurities, can aid in addressing the issue effectively.

Fostering Trust and Open Communication 

The foundation of any healthy relationship lies in trust and open communication. When dealing with jealousy, these elements become even more critical. Here are some strategies to consider:


Start by examining your own feelings and identifying the root causes of your jealousy. Are there any past experiences or personal insecurities contributing to these emotions? Honest introspection can pave the way for personal growth and healing.

Expressing concerns

Share your feelings with your partner in a non-accusatory manner. Clearly communicate what triggers your jealousy and why it affects you. Open dialogue encourages empathy and helps your partner understand your perspective.

Active listening

Encourage your partner to express their feelings without judgment. Actively listen to their concerns and validate their emotions. This fosters an environment of trust and promotes a reciprocal understanding of each other’s vulnerabilities.

Nurturing Security and Building Confidence 

Dealing with jealousy also involves nurturing security within yourself and your relationship. Consider the following strategies:

Building self-esteem

Focus on self-care and self-improvement to boost your self-esteem. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether it’s pursuing a hobby, practicing mindfulness, or seeking professional support if needed.

Establishing boundaries

Clearly define boundaries within your relationship to address any potential triggers for jealousy. Openly discuss what is acceptable and what is not, and ensure both partners are on the same page regarding interactions with others.

Cultivating trust

Reinforce trust by honoring commitments, being transparent, and maintaining consistency in your actions. Trust is built over time through positive experiences and demonstrating reliability.

Jealousy, though challenging, can be effectively managed within a relationship. By understanding jealousy through frame semantics and lexical semantics, nurturing trust, fostering open communication, and working on personal growth, you can overcome this emotion and create a stronger bond with your partner. 

Remember, overcoming jealousy is a gradual process that requires patience, empathy, and dedication from both partners. Love Vibes is here to support you every step of the way on your journey towards a healthy, jealousy-free relationship.

Top Activities for Couples on a Budget

There are many ways for couples to have fun and bond without spending a lot of money. Here are ten budget-friendly activities that couples can do together:

  1. Cooking at home: Cooking a meal together is a great way to bond and save money. Plus, it’s a chance to try out new recipes and test your culinary skills.
  2. Movie night at home: Rent or stream a movie and have a cozy night in. You can make some popcorn or snack, and you can add a theme night like a romantic comedy night, or a horror movie night.
  3. Picnic in the park: Pack a lunch and head to a local park for a picnic. It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors and have a fun, casual date.
  4. Hiking: Many local parks offer hiking trails, it can be a great way to get some exercise and enjoy nature together.
  5. Game night: Play board games or card games together at home. It’s a great way to spend quality time together and have some friendly competition.
  6. Volunteer work: Giving back to your community can be a fulfilling experience, and it can be a great way to bond with your partner.
  7. DIY projects: Take on a DIY project together, such as painting a room, building a piece of furniture, or even gardening. It can be a fun way to learn a new skill together and create something special.
  8. Window-shopping: Take a walk around your local shopping district and window-shop together. It’s a fun way to spend time together and see what’s new in the shops.
  9. Have a spa day at home: You can give each other massages, take a bath or a shower together or make a homemade face mask. It’s a way to relax and pamper each other without the cost of a professional spa.
  10. Star-gazing: Pack a blanket and head to an open field or park, and spend the night stargazing. It’s a great way to relax and enjoy each other’s company in a secluded environment.

These activities can be a great way for couples to spend quality time together without breaking the bank. It’s a good opportunity to try new things, bond and make memories without needing to spend a lot of money. The key is to be creative and find activities that interest both of you.

The Importance of Intimacy

Intimacy is an essential aspect of any relationship, and it encompasses a wide range of emotions and behaviors. It includes physical touch, emotional closeness, and sexual intimacy, among others. Intimacy is vital for the health and well-being of both individuals in a relationship and the relationship itself. In this article, we will explore the importance of intimacy in relationships and the latest research on the subject.

What does intimacy really mean?

First, let’s define what we mean by intimacy. Intimacy is the feeling of closeness, connectedness, and bonding that two individuals experience in a relationship. It is the emotional and physical connection that allows two people to feel safe, loved, and understood. Intimacy involves the ability to share thoughts, feelings, and experiences with one another, and to understand and accept each other’s vulnerabilities.

What are the four levels of intimacy?

There are several different models that describe the levels of intimacy in a relationship, but one commonly cited framework includes four distinct levels:

  1. Physical Intimacy: This level of intimacy involves physical touch and sexual activity. It is the most basic form of intimacy and often the first one to develop in a relationship. Physical intimacy can include holding hands, hugging, kissing, and other forms of non-sexual touch as well.
  2. Emotional Intimacy: This level of intimacy involves sharing thoughts, feelings, and emotions with one another. It allows individuals to feel understood and accepted for who they are. Emotional intimacy is characterized by a deep understanding of each other and a sense of vulnerability and trust.
  3. Intellectual Intimacy: This level of intimacy involves sharing ideas and perspectives with one another. It allows individuals to engage in stimulating conversations, explore new ideas and have shared interests. It promotes the ability to challenge each other in a healthy way, and being open to one’s point of view.
  4. Spiritual Intimacy: This level of intimacy involves a sense of connectedness and oneness with one another. It can include shared religious or spiritual beliefs and practices, as well as a deep understanding and respect for one another’s inner world. Spiritual intimacy allows individuals to feel a sense of transcendence and transcendent experiences.

It is important to note that not every relationship will progress through all these levels of intimacy, and it’s not necessary for a relationship to progress through them in a particular order. Also, not all relationships will reach the same level of intimacy in all categories, depending on the personalities, characteristics and what both people are looking for in a relationship.

Why is intimacy important in long-term relationships?

Intimacy is important for several reasons. For one, it allows for the expression of love and emotional support. When individuals feel intimately connected with their partners, they are more likely to experience positive emotions such as joy, contentment, and peace. Additionally, intimacy can help to improve communication and problem-solving skills within a relationship, leading to a more successful and stable partnership.

Furthermore, intimacy plays a key role in physical and sexual health. Studies have shown that individuals in intimate relationships have better physical health outcomes, including lower blood pressure and improved immune function. Additionally, sexual intimacy can lead to increased sexual satisfaction and reduced stress levels.

Additionally, intimacy is an important factor in maintaining a healthy and satisfying long-term relationship. Research has shown that couples who report higher levels of intimacy in their relationships also report greater relationship satisfaction and longevity. A study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that couples who reported higher levels of sexual intimacy were more likely to stay together in the long-term. Another study conducted by the National Survey of Families and Households found that couples who reported higher levels of emotional intimacy were less likely to divorce.

It’s not just romantic relationships that benefit from intimacy, a study from the National Institutes of Health found that social intimacy is associated with better mental health outcomes. More specifically, people who have close, supportive relationships with friends, family and romantic partners have a lower risk of anxiety and depression.

However, maintaining intimacy in a relationship can be challenging. A study conducted by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy found that 44% of surveyed individuals reported experiencing difficulties in their sexual relationship with their partner. Additionally, the stressors of daily life, such as work and financial pressures, can take a toll on intimacy levels.

There are several steps that individuals can take to maintain and improve intimacy in their relationships. One important step is to make time for each other. This means setting aside dedicated time to spend together, whether it be a weekly date night or simply a daily conversation over dinner. Additionally, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, sharing your feelings and needs.

Another important step is to prioritize physical touch and sexual intimacy. This can include acts such as hugging, holding hands, and kissing, as well as sexual activity. Research has shown that physical touch can have a positive impact on the brain, releasing hormones that promote feelings of love and attachment.

It is also essential to be mindful of the emotional needs of one’s partner and to be sensitive to their feelings. Expressing empathy and understanding towards your partner’s emotions can help to build trust and emotional intimacy. Couples therapy can be a great way to explore intimacy issues in a relationship, to understand and make any necessary change in your behavior.

What does intimacy look like in relationships?

Intimacy in relationships can manifest in a variety of ways and can vary depending on the type of relationship and the individuals involved. Generally, intimacy in a relationship looks like a deep connection between two people, characterized by trust, vulnerability, and mutual understanding. Some examples of how intimacy might look in a relationship include:

  • Physical touch: Holding hands, hugging, cuddling, and other forms of physical affection can create a sense of intimacy and connection. Physical touch can also release hormones that promote feelings of love and attachment.
  • Emotional openness: Being able to share thoughts, feelings, and emotions with one another and feeling understood and accepted for who you are. This can also include being able to comfort and support each other through difficult times.
  • Shared interests and activities: Engaging in activities and having shared interests can create a sense of connection and intimacy. This can be things like traveling, cooking, watching movies, playing games, etc.
  • Communication: Being able to communicate openly, honestly, and effectively with one another is an important aspect of intimacy. This includes being able to express your needs and feelings, as well as being able to listen actively and understand one another.
  • Shared values and beliefs: Having a shared understanding and respect for one another’s values and beliefs can create a sense of intimacy and connection. This can include shared religious or spiritual beliefs, political views, or lifestyle choices.
  • Shared responsibilities and tasks: Working together and supporting one another to achieve shared goals is also a way to create intimacy. this can be things like taking care of household chores, raising kids, or working together in a business.

It’s important to note that intimacy looks different for every relationship, and what might be considered intimate for one couple might not be for another. It’s also important to remember that intimacy can take time to build and maintain in a relationship, and it may require ongoing effort and communication to maintain.

How to Plan a Romantic Date Night

Planning a romantic date night can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and creativity, you can create an unforgettable experience for you and your significant other. Here are ten steps to help you plan the perfect date night:

  1. Set a budget: Before you start planning, it’s important to set a budget for the date. This will help you determine what activities and events are affordable and will ensure that you don’t overspend. 

As a couple, what you can also do is to set aside a date fund every month so that both of you will remember to make it a priority. 

  1. Decide on a theme: A theme can add a fun and unique element to your date night. Consider your interests and the interests of your significant other when choosing a theme.
  2. Choose a location: The location of your date night can set the tone for the evening. You can choose to go out on the town or stay in and make it a cozy night at home.
  3. Plan the menu: Food is an important part of any date night. Whether you plan to cook at home or go out to eat, make sure to choose a menu that you and your significant other will enjoy.
  4. Pick the perfect activity: The activity you choose will depend on your budget, location, and theme. Some ideas include going to a concert, taking a dance class, or going on a hike.
  5. Dress to impress: Dressing nicely for your date night is a nice touch that shows that you put effort into the evening. Make sure to dress appropriately for the activity and location you’ve chosen.
  6. Create a playlist: Music can set the mood for the evening, so create a playlist of songs that you and your significant other will enjoy.
  7. Decorate: Whether you’re staying in or going out, decorating the location can add a special touch to the evening. Use candles, flowers, or other decorations to make the space feel romantic.
  8. Plan a surprise: A surprise can be a great way to add an element of excitement to the evening. It could be something small like a thoughtful gift, or something bigger like a scavenger hunt.
  9. Be present: The most important part of any date night is being present and fully engaged with your significant other. Put away your phone and other distractions, and enjoy each other’s company.

By following these ten steps, you can plan a romantic and memorable date night for you and your significant other. Remember to be creative, thoughtful, and to have fun!

How to Show Appreciation to Your Partner

Showing appreciation to your partner is essential for keeping the romance alive in your relationship. By taking the time to acknowledge your partner’s positive qualities, you can strengthen your bond and make your partner feel valued. Here are some specific ideas and gestures that you can use to show appreciation to your wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend.

  1. Give a heartfelt compliment: Verbalizing your appreciation for your partner is one of the most powerful ways to show that you care. Make it a point to give your partner a heartfelt compliment every day. It could be something as simple as telling them they look nice or expressing appreciation for something they did that day.
  2. Show physical affection: Physical touch is a fundamental aspect of intimacy. Giving your partner a hug, holding their hand, or rubbing their back can be a simple yet effective way to show appreciation. Research has shown that physical touch releases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of love and attachment.
  3. Plan a surprise: Surprises can be a great way to show appreciation and create excitement in your relationship. It could be something as simple as planning a surprise picnic in the park or arranging a romantic getaway for the weekend.
  4. Plan a special date: Planning a special date night for you and your partner can be a great way to show appreciation and spend quality time together. You can plan a fancy dinner at home or make reservations at a nice restaurant, or plan a fun activity like taking a dance class together.
  5. Listen actively: Listening actively to your partner is one of the most important ways to show appreciation. It shows that you value their thoughts and feelings and that you are interested in their life. Take the time to listen to your partner when they are talking, and ask questions to show that you are paying attention.
  6. Show appreciation through gift-giving: Giving your partner a gift, whether it’s for a special occasion or just because, is a great way to show appreciation. It could be something as simple as buying them their favorite candy or a book they’ve been wanting to read.
  7. Share responsibilities: Showing appreciation to your partner can also involve sharing responsibilities in the relationship. This means taking on more household chores, taking care of the kids or running errands together. It shows that you are willing to put in the effort to make your partner’s life easier.
  8. Show appreciation through words and actions: Showing appreciation to your partner doesn’t always have to involve grand gestures. Sometimes, it’s the small things you do and say that matter the most. Say “I love you” often, and make sure your actions match your words.
  9. Show appreciation through nonverbal cues: nonverbal cues can be a powerful way to show appreciation. A simple smile, a wink or a pat on the back can make all the difference.
  10. Show appreciation through forgiveness: Showing forgiveness is a powerful way to show appreciation. It means being able to let go of past mistakes and move forward together as a couple.

It’s important to keep in mind that appreciation should be consistent, not just for special occasions. Showing your partner that you care and appreciate them on a regular basis will make them feel loved and valued. Remember, it doesn’t have to be an elaborate gesture to show appreciation, it’s the small things that can mean the most.

The key to showing appreciation to your partner is to be authentic, intentional and consistent. Your partner will be able to sense insincerity, so make sure that your gestures and words come from the heart.

10 Tips for Keeping the Spark Alive in Long-term Relationships

Maintaining a healthy and passionate relationship over time can be a challenging task. How do you keep the romance alive and avoid the three, five, or seven year long itch? Or what about couples celebrating 15, 20, 30, 40 years together?

Long-term relationships can be the source of great joy and fulfillment, but it’s easy for the spark to fade as time goes on. If you’re looking for ways to keep the spark alive in your long-term relationship, read on for 10 tips that can help.

  1. Make time for each other: One of the most important things you can do to keep the spark alive in your relationship is to make time for each other. This means setting aside time to connect, talk, and be present with one another. Whether it’s a regular date night, a weekend getaway, or just a few minutes of quiet time together each day, making time for each other is essential.
  2. Put effort into romantic date nights: Speaking of romantic date nights, planning romantic date nights can be a great way to keep the spark alive. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something special that you do together regularly. This can help you look forward to spending time together and keep the romance alive.
  3. Prioritize intimacy: Intimacy is a crucial component of any relationship, and it’s essential to keeping the spark alive. Intimacy includes physical touch and sexual connection, but it also includes emotional and intellectual connection. Make sure you’re taking the time to deepen your emotional and intellectual connections with your partner.
  4. Keep the fire alive in the bedroom: A healthy sex life is a vital part of any relationship, and keeping the spark alive in the bedroom can help maintain a strong connection outside of it. This doesn’t mean you have to have intercourse every day, but it means that you’re open to new experiences, and you’re willing to try new things. Here are some of our tips on how to keep the fire alive in your bedroom.
  5. Try new things together: Whether it’s trying a new hobby, exploring a new place, or trying a new restaurant, trying new things together can help keep the spark alive. It can also help to create new memories together, and it can be a great way to bond and learn more about one another. You can also do activities as a couple, even if you’re on a budget. You just have to be extra creative!
  6. Show appreciation: Showing appreciation for one another is an essential part of any relationship. It can be as simple as telling your partner that you love and appreciate them, or it can be something more tangible, like buying them a small gift or writing them a heartfelt note. Showing appreciation can help keep the spark alive by reminding your partner that they’re valued and loved. [Opportunity to link to the cluster article “How to show appreciation and keep the romance alive”]
  7. Be open to change: Relationships evolve over time, and it’s important to be open to change. This means being willing to adapt to new circumstances, try new things, and explore new ways of being together. Being open to change can help keep the spark alive by keeping things fresh and exciting.
  8. Learn to compromise: In any relationship, compromise is essential. It’s about finding a balance between your needs and your partner’s needs and being willing to give and take. This can help keep the spark alive by ensuring that both partners feel heard and respected.
  9. Communicate openly and honestly: Communication is key to any relationship, and it’s essential to keeping the spark alive. Make sure you’re talking openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings, needs, and desires. This can help alleviate any doubts about the relationship too.
  10. Celebrate small milestones: When you’re with another person for far too long, the two of you may often forget to celebrate small wins. Maybe you’re only celebrating your fifth, tenth, or even twentieth anniversary but why not create new things to celebrate in the relationship?